Hello! I am super excited to see that my sister, who just moved to the Philippines to work as an English teacher at an elementary school for 13 weeks, created a blog where she will be documenting her experience. So I thought I would share the link to her site here (located underneath), in case YOU would be interested in her adventures. She writes in Norwegian, so if you can't read Norwegian there are plenty of awesome pictures to look at. I know for a fact that I will be following her posts daily.
Now that summer is coming to an end (at least for me) I'm done with my traveling and back in Portland ready for school to start, I have decided that I will be drawing every day and post something HERE every other day, to pick up my game before school starts. So be warned, soon this site will be bombarded with silly drawings and windows into my sketchbook.

Taken by Ina Susanne Karlsen in the Philippines Saturday August the 20th. 2011
dette skal jeg følge med på , kjempefint for oss som ikke får oppleve dette . skjønner ikke hvordan jeg skal si til Ina at dette er topp, men det syns jeg . Takk Lea , du er en flink storesøster.
ReplyDeleteKlem fra Tante
Flotte jenter er dere begge to (alle tre)!
ReplyDeleteNEW BLOG because of difficulties.
The link is now correct once again - viewing the new blog ;)